We Create Opportunities

Fundraise for some of the greatest charities on earth. Learn how to build lasting connections, make values-driven sales, and create opportunities that define your life.

Make a difference

We connect fundraisers like yourself with the greatest charities on earth. Spread their message and achieve their mission as you make an impact on the environment, society, and people’s lives. Learn how to sell from a place of empathy, values, and positive action - motivating people to give to causes greater than themselves.

Build relationships 

We can teach you to meet, greet, and connect with people from all walks of life - finding the common ground between you and the shared values that motivate us all. Learn the art of making a positive impact on people’s days as you discover and inspire them to make a difference - through donations to the causes that matter to them most.

Shape your career

We create opportunities that shape your career. Step into the world of fundraising and immerse yourself in values driven sales and relationship building - between you, the donors, and the charities. Become an experienced professional who can help charities of all sizes make a real impact and grow into a compelling personality who can brighten up anyone’s day.



Connect with the public, promote worthwhile causes, and drive donations to charities and beneficiaries that need it most. Learn how to find and build relationships with quality donors who share your passion and embody the values of charities we’re working with.

Team Leaders

Lead a team of fundraisers as they campaign for some of the best charities in the world. Motivate, support, and guide your team as they find quality donors and support the important causes we all care about.


Manage fundraising campaigns throughout New Zealand. Organise teams of fundraisers to drive new donations to charities and help them achieve their essential and necessary goals. Work throughout Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch to help your teams and your charities make an impact.
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Meet the Team

Mandy Kumari

Admin Manager

Mandy worked in real estate and sales for more than 15 years before joining Mindset. She loves helping out in communities and volunteering, and is driven to help charities and their beneficiaries. At Mindset, she confirms all sponsors, performing all welcome calls and handling - bringing a warm, friendly energy to everything she does!

Steve Lyell

Operations Manager

Steve has over 10 years of fundraising experience, having worked with leading charities like Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, and World Vision. He excels in interviewing, training, and empowering team members, focusing on authenticity and genuine engagement, which leads to high donor retention. Outside of work, Steve is a gold medal-winning Jiu Jitsu champion.

Abhi Bakshi


Abhi moved to New Zealand in 2008 and earned a Diploma in Business. In 2023, he co-founded Mindset Marketing, securing access to over 40 fundraising venues across the country. Abhi is passionate about helping charities achieve their financial goals and empowering people to make an impact through fundraising.

Albert Anthony


Born in India, Albert moved to Australia and began building fundraising teams for charities. With over 10 years of experience, he has managed successful campaigns with excellent donor retention. In 2023, he founded Mindset Marketing in New Zealand, driven by a passion for empowering donors and building strong teams that connect charities with those who need it most.
It has been a great experience being a part of Mindset Marketing. They use effective encouragement tactics to motivate everyone around. Positive and friendly communication keeps the environment happy. What I have learned from them in these past couple of months is more than I have ever learned in all my experience in New Zealand. Grateful to be a part.
I used to work as QA, waking up every day doing the exact same thing over and over again until I found Mindset Marketing. Working with the company motivates me every single day to become better personally and professionally. I never thought I’d find a job I truly love doing until I found this company. It has helped me improve my people skills, which is really important to get ahead in life.
I am privileged to work with Mindset Marketing, one of the best professional teams. I can fully rely on management for my personal and professional growth. This is a company with opportunities.
Amazing place to work with Mindset Marketing! The personnel really care about the causes. While having fun, managers provide excellent assistance to the team. Intentional marketing is a really fulfilling career if you're enthusiastic, funny, and have a good sense of humor. The abilities I picked up there can benefit my life in many ways.

We’re hiring!

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